Report generated on 11th December 2008
Executive Summary Report -
41 / 100
Overall Optimization Score

Your overall optimization score is the average result of your sites performance in all the areas of website optimization, which includes technology implementation, basic SEO, advanced SEO performance and all the other areas shown in this report.

Your sites overall optimization score is generally quite low. Please review the full report for information on how to improve your site score and check the individual score results below to see where your site may be lacking.

Optimization Section Results / 100
Overall Optimization Score Historical Performance
38.4 / 100
SEO Optimization Performance Score

The score here represents the average result in all areas of SEO Optimization Performance. The individual tests and how to improve their results are listed in the full report.

Your sites SEO Optimization Performance score is generally quite low. Please review the full report for information on how to improve your sites SEO score.
Feature ScoreFailPass
Keyword Density Coverage Test
Represents the density of keywords on your page compared to your page's target audience.
Page Title Coverage Test
Represents the amount of words in your title represented by keywords for your site.
Meta Data Coverage Test
Represents the amount of words in your title represented by meta data on your site.
Heading Coverage Test
Represents the amount of keywords for your site represented in page headings.
Multi Headings Test
Full utilization of heading tags.
Image Optimization Test
Full image optimization in place.
Conversion Test
Test for methods in which a conversion can occur for a user.
0 / 100
Homepage Keyword Density and Coverage
This chart shows the top keyword density usage on the homepage of compared to your keywords for this page.
83 / 100
Monetization Optimization Score

This score represents the effective ways a site has used monetization techniques to increase its revenue.

Your sites monetization optimization score is good.
0 / 100
Analytics Optimization
Your score for using Analytics on represents 3rd party analytical optimization.
0 / 100
Syndication Optimization
Syndication techniques benefit SEO and also make it easier for your visitors to stay up to date with your site. This score represents the syndication optimization found on your site.
0 / 100
CDN Optimization
Content Delivery Networks can potentially reduce bandwidth costs and improve your sites performance.
100 / 100
Multimedia Usage
Media usage score represents video, flash and audio elements used on your site. Using these elements can boost your sites interactivity and be used to communicate your message clearer.
46.15 / 100
Homepage Image Optimization
Image Elements 13
ALT Attributes 12 92%
TITLE Attributes 0 %
ALT & TITLE Attributes 0 %
Alt and Title tag elements on images found on which may improve search indexing and site ease of use.
77.78 / 100
HTML Optimization
Deprecated tags are HTML elements and attributes that have are no longer considered standard. Your score for HTML optimization should be 100%.
Homepage Technology

Technology being used on

Type Count
Advertising 0
Aggregation 0
Analytics 0
JS Libraries 0
Mapping 0
Media 0
Widgets 1
Yahoo Babelfish Translation technology